Micropreemie & Hellp Syndrome

April 04, 2024 By Lindsay Fromm

Micropreemie & Hellp Syndrome

I delivered my son at 24 weeks due to HELLP syndrome. I developed upper quadrant pain at about 22 weeks. Treated for acid reflux. BP high but thought due to pain. Bed rest. BP got 160s/100s so went to ER. Given Pepcid IV and almost sent home. Once my labs came back I was rushed to the labor and delivery unit and my husband was told I was in very grave condition. They padded my bed and told me I would be lucky to still be pregnant by Monday, it was Friday.
I was in excruciating amount of pain right before my ribs. My labs were wacky with high liver enzymes and low platelets.
Long story short, I had an emergency c-section 12 minutes into Monday. My son was born at 24 weeks and 4 days. He weighted a mere 15 oz at birth (lowest recorded weight 12.4oz). He spent 133 days in the NICU. He turned 18 in November and will be a freshman in college this fall.