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During our current uncertain times, more and more women are being told to take their blood pressure at home. Pregnancy is an ideal time to get familiar with your blood pressure, understand your normal numbers, check it often, log your readings and share it with your provider, especially if you have high blood pressure readings.
As an expectant or new mom, you can easily be inundated with information. When it comes to expertise, we want to take you directly to the source.
The video interviews here are with Dr. Thomas Easterling, president of our Medical Advisory Board and an expert in the treatment of preeclampsia; Dr. Linda Burke, a member of our national racial disparities task force and author of The Smart Mother's Guide to a Better Pregnancy: How to minimize risks, avoid complications and have a healthy baby; and Dr. Sarosh Rana, co-chair of our Preeclampsia Registry Advisory Council who specializes in high risk pregnancy and is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Section Chief of Maternal-Fetal Medicine for the University of Chicago.
Some home monitors are better than others. We recommend using an arm or wrist cuff and not one for your finger. Ask your provider which one they trust or check this website for devices approved for home use. Read more about pregnancy validated home blood pressure monitors.
It is our collective voice that reduces isolation for others, raises awareness and improves healthcare practices. Let's raise up our voices so more women know about preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome and less women have adverse outcomes!
Ánimo y cuídate: la preeclampsia puede estar asociada con enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares más adelante en la vida Descargue nuestra hoja informativa
Eclampsia is a very serious complication of preeclampsia characterized by one or more seizures during pregnancy or in the postpartum period.
La preeclampsia, en todas sus formas, puede requerir muchos análisis, tanto durante como después del embarazo. ¿Alguna vez se preguntó por qué el proveedor de atención médica le solicita tantos anális...
El embarazo es un momento ideal para familiarizarse con su presión arterial. Aquí encontrará todo lo que necesita saber sobre cómo tomarse la presión arterial en casa.
Melbourne, FL – September 17 , 2024 – The Preeclampsia Foundation, in partnership with the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) and Society for Ma...
Resultados de varios estudios apoyan la hipótesis de que el estrés causado por un embarazo y parto traumáticos puede en muchas ocasiones anular la habilidad de salir adelante emoc...
Is there a connection between maternal diet and preeclampsia? The PRECISE Network research team and I recently completed an evidence review to compile information on maternal nutritional factors that...
What you’ll learn in this article: Many risk factors contribute to an individual’s chance of getting preeclampsia. These risk factors may be genetic, physical, environmental, and even s...
Question: Progesterone supplementation - first trimester and beyond - can it help the vascular constriction by keeping the smooth muscle relaxed (17HP shots), and is it associated with early supplemen...