August 18, 2023 By Vimi Gohil
Experiencing Hyperemesis Gravidarum with my first pregnancy, I was already very anxious going into my second. Thankfully the 2nd pregnancy turned out to be "normal" or so I thought. All scans, tests were normal and I was told I'd end up having a 7lb baby full term.
I was feeling great, I was working as normal until suddenly at 32 weeks migraines began every other day, at 33 weeks they found protein in urine and my feet, hands and face started swelling up. At 34 weeks I went in to re-test urine and they found my blood pressure had shot up and kept me in for the night to monitor. I had a scan the next day to check on the baby's growth; it was concluded as the baby had stopped growing for 2 weeks and the best thing to do was an emergency c-section.
Baby girl was safely delivered at 34 + 2 weeks weighing just 4lbs 2oz. She dropped to 3lbs after 3 days and was taken into NICU. I had also unfortunately developed postpartum preeclampsia and was kept in for 2 weeks to monitor and control the high BP. I had no idea of the condition or how serious it was. Grateful now that blood pressure is somewhat normal, and my baby is now 1 month old weighing 5lbs 6oz. It was a traumatic experience to say the least as it all happened so suddenly. But I'm so grateful that I noticed the symptoms and got checked up when I did. I listened to my body.
I had a completely healthy pregnancy up until 38 weeks. The previous week I got my blood levels tested and the urine test done, but everythin...