
Board Member Urges Policymakers to Join the Battle Against Preeclampsia

In an opinion piece in The Hill (5/7), Rakhi Dimino, MD, a Houston-based obstetrician who serves on the Preeclampsia Foundation’s Board of Directors, writes that findings from two recent studies “add to a growing body of evidence that preeclampsia presents a serious risk at all stages of pregnancy, both for women and their infants.” Dr. Dimino goes on to urge “health system executives and policymakers to consider three crucial actions to address preeclampsia and eclampsia, and improve maternal and infant outcomes in both the short and long term.” Dr. Dimino also mentions that “federal law only mandates Medicaid eligibility for pregnancy-related care for women through 60 days postpartum, but the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates, and many other medical professionals recommend extending this period to one year postpartum.”  

Read the full article.

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