September 06, 2018 By Ebony Ford
After 6 years of infertility & loss, my husband & I finally conceived our baby girl Reign Victoria. Our pregnancy was completely uneventful until week 26. While on vacation I began to experience shortness of breath and severe swelling. By the time I got on the plane to come home I couldn’t fit my shoes, could barely breathe and couldnt see very well. I was rushed to the hospital on the ground and after blood, urine & radiology tests I was diagnosed with sudden onset severe preeclampsia, pulmonary edema and HELLP syndrome.
I was rushed into a crash cesarean and on March 25 @ 6:53 pm Reign Victoria was born at 26 wks and 6 days weighing just 1 lb 15 oz. Despite the doctors expectations, she was born breathing on her own! Over the next 11 weeks she would experience 2 lung collapses, 2 infections, 8 blood transfusions and severe respiratory complications. After 80 days in the NICU and 2 weeks before her due date, our little miracle came HOME weighing a healthy 6lbs 10oz!
At 5 months old she has now outgrown newborn clothing and diapers, rolling onto her side and weighs a whopping 13 lbs! I am still fighting hypertension, abnormal liver enzymes as well as pre-existing issues related to Lupus.But we couldn’t more grateful to have our Miracle baby Reign in perfect health & defying the odds.