
Healthy Pregnancy Leads To Postpartum Preeclampsia

May 04, 2023 By Alix Burns

Healthy Pregnancy Leads To Postpartum Preeclampsia

You normally hear of Preeclampsia happening during pregnancy and needing an emergency delivery. You rarely hear of it happening post delivery…

I was lucky​ enough​ to have a fairly easy and healthy pregnancy. I had a scheduled c-section since my baby was breech. My blood pressure was a bit high as they prepped me for the OR but I said- well I’m nervous, you’re about to cut a baby out of me. The c-section went smoothly and I delivered a healthy baby girl.

However, after delivery, my blood pressure continued to spike reaching 217/110. They tried different medications and multiple magnesium drips to ensure I didn’t have a seizure or stroke. After spending a week in the hospital and finally getting my blood pressure to go down some, we were finally able to go home with our new baby. It was a terrifying experience not knowing what could have caused this or how long it would last. I was finally able to go off BP medications after 7 months but I’m still paranoid it could spike at any time given the randomness of this severe disorder. I hope my story brings awareness because there is such little information on Postpartum​ Preeclampsia​.