August 08, 2023 By Christy Thomas
Before pregnancy I was into lifting weights, meal planning, and overall healthy and active lifestyle. As soon as I became pregnant I felt like I was "dying". I didn't know how to explain it other than I felt like I was dying and I felt at the verge of having a seizure. I made these complaints to my doctor every visit and he just told me "that's pregnancy!".
The symptoms increased throughout the pregnancy but I never received any treatment or diagnosis. I was finally diagnosed with preeclampsia 2 days before I had my daughter (two weeks early). They tried inducing me for 2 days; there was fetal distress, so I had an emergency c-section. During my c-section I had an eclamptic seizure, I went pale, my blood pressure dropped, and I started fading away. The operating room became chaotic with medical staff yelling, getting additional staff, and rushing to get my daughter out as quickly as possible. My husband almost missed the birth but once I was "stabilized" someone ran to get him. There was blood all over the floor and I heard the nursing saying they needed to shower right after this. I realized later they were covered in blood from head to toe.
I wasn't explained what had happened to me, even when I asked questions at follow up appointments. I pieced the puzzle pieces together through years of research and medical appointments with other professionals. I maintained high blood pressure at all of my follow up medical visits, but was not provided any treatment. I found out 5 months later, from a private physician that I had postpartum preeclampsia. I am thankful for mine and my daughters health. I am also thankful to be expecting another daughter...this time with treatment, care, and knowledge.
I had a completely healthy pregnancy up until 38 weeks. The previous week I got my blood levels tested and the urine test done, but everythin...