ACOG Reports New Delivery Guidelines for Uncomplicated Pregnancies

American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists President James T. Breeden, MD, raises awareness in his March blog about the trend in cesarean sections. "Today, one in three babies in the US are born by cesarean - the delivery of a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus," wrote Breeden. "The rate of labor induction is also at an all-time high. Unfortunately, many of these births occur before the pregnancy is considered 'term' at 39 weeks. These upward trends have long been a source of concern in the medical community, especially considering the increased risks to a baby who may not be fully developed at delivery."

Dr. Breeden also wrote about the urgent situations - such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, multiple fetuses, fetal growth restriction, and poorly controlled diabetes - that may make it necessary to deliver the baby before the onset of natural labor.

Read Dr. Breeden's March Blog.

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