December 16, 2024 By Monica Pacheco
Hi everyone! My name is Monica Pacheco and I’m 31 years old. Last year, in 11/16/2023, I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia, Eclampsia and I shall say possibly a bit of Postpartum Preeclampsia. I never thought this was going to happen to me. No one in my family, not that I know of, was diagnosed with this disease.
As this my first pregnancy I thought and dreamed of a natural birth. Yet, that didn’t happen as all women have different bodies and react differently with symptoms while being pregnant.
During my last 2 weeks before giving birth (at 35 weeks) I started to see my feet, hands, face getting swollen, also SOB, a slight cough and I couldn’t sleep in my bed anymore. I thought these symptoms were normal and they weren’t at all. I waited until my appt with my OBGYN which, it was the last one before giving birth. Before this last appointment my OBGYN did notice my feet were swollen and she said it was normal. There’s a range/level of normal swollen but mine weren’t at all. When I get there they said my BP was high and that I have to go the ER. There I go by myself and I had to go ASAP because it’s dangerous. They told me call your family so they can be there. I called my husband to go there and he got there in a few minutes while they were taking me in a wheelchair to the L&D. At the ER, there the Dr said that I might have to give birth today or sent me home with BP meds. They decided to have the baby that day. While waiting at the L&D they did labs and tests on me. The OBGYN at the hospital ame back and said you have Preeclampsia and you have protein in your urine. We have to do a c -section in the next 1-2 hours. I said to myself OMG why me and what did I do wrong to my body. While waiting I started to see black spots and I thought I was getting dizzy. Sadly, my disease was getting severe and I started to get nervous.
The pediatrician at the hospital came by and stayed to check me while sitting down on the bed. I remember I told her “I can’t lay down, I get SOB and a cough” so they put me a mask. I clearly remember that she asked me, “What’s the baby going to be named and I said, “Montserrat”. At that moment, I started to have a seizure. My husband said many doctors and nurses started to come to the room. They took me to get an emergency c-section done.
I woke up the next day and I felt so weak. I don’t remember what happened after I told the pediatrician my baby’s name. I had an oxygen on my mouth and I told my husband with a hand sign like I want to write something. I wrote on a paper that, “this is so uncomfortable.” The nurse said, “You have to be relaxed until the numbers look good and your almost there.” Then 30 minutes passed and they took out the oxygen. I felt so relieved yet, still weak. Then they took me to the L&D and we finally got a room. Sadly, my daughter wasn’t there because she was at the NICU. The next day another another nurse came by and said I can’t believe what happened yesterday you were having a seizure. The nurses called blue code so we can all help. Your husband was crying. In that instant I got birth trauma. I couldn’t believe what had happened.
I started to feel better the next 2 days while still having high BP at the hospital. Then I went to go see my daughter at the NICU and the nurse said she’s a strong baby. She will be out in one day because we still need to check her. I was discharged from the hospital the next day and my baby had to stay at the NICU one more day. I felt so sad I couldn’t bring her that day. The next day we go and there she was out of her little cubical bed, was transferred to another normal little bed. She was ready to come home. That day we left and ready to go home. I’m never going to forget the name of my daughter’s nurse, her name is Melissa.
I want to tell all pregnant women, new moms going though this disease, don’t think the symptoms you might be having is normal. If you feel you have these symptoms please call your OBGYN asap!